
Digitalization of Resource for Education
Digitalization of Resource for Education

BRDGE-Ethiopia has undertaken an initiative to address the challenges faced by Ethiopian schools in distributing curriculum-based resources such as textbooks, video tutorials, and reference books. A comprehensive solution has been developed to tackle these issues.
One key component of the solution is the implementation of a digital educational server that provides access to all required resources for high schools and preparatory colleges. This server houses textbooks, video tutorials, and reference books, ensuring that they are readily available to students and teachers.
To further enhance accessibility, a tablet has been developed and loaded with grade-specific resources, including textbooks and video tutorials. This tablet can be used anytime and anywhere, eliminating the need for an internet connection.
In order to bridge the resources stored in the server with the tablets, a wireless network has been established within the schools. This network facilitates seamless access to the resources and ensures that students can easily utilize them on their tablets.
Additionally, a course-based library system has been designed specifically for universities in Ethiopia. This system aims to provide students and faculty with easy access to relevant resources, enhancing their learning and teaching experiences.
Through these innovative solutions, BRDGE-Ethiopia is committed to improving the distribution and accessibility of educational resources in Ethiopian schools and universities.

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Speed School

The Speed School initiative, pioneered by Geneva Global, has undergone successful pilot programs in various regions. One particularly significant workshop held in Debre Zeit underscored the importance of this initiative and demonstrated its value. Building on this momentum, we are actively working to support Speed Schools through technology-assisted education programs at BRDGE-Ethiopia.
Following our participation in a workshop organized by the Ministry of Education and Geneva Global at Bishoftu Pyramid Hotel on June 11, 2018, we engaged with relevant stakeholders to discuss how BRDGE-Ethiopia can provide technology-enabled support to Speed Schools. The productive discussions have paved the way for continued collaboration with Geneva Global and other organizations involved in similar projects.
After participating in a workshop at the Bishoftu Pyramid Hotel in June 2018, we recognized the significance of the Speed School initiative. As a result, BRDGE-Ethiopia has partnered with Children for Horizone, to pilot the Speed School program to integrate technology and support their efforts. Through this collaboration, we have developed a solution that condenses three years of primary school education into one year, enabling late-comer students to catch up with their peers and ensure educational equity.

Tena Adult Basic Health literacy Application

Adult Education

Adult education is a practice in which adults engage in systematic and sustained self-educating activities in order to gain new forms of knowledge, skills, attitudes, or values.
As both adult Education and lifelong learning are a key to the economic and social development of the community, we are developing technology-assisted learning environment through our offline library system to be implemented in CLC (community learning Center)

Girls Can Code

This project was fully funded by the US Embassy public affair office. After having interned into an agreement, we have selected 100 girls student of grade 11 from 10 public schools. 10 student from each school in Addis Ababa, set for filtering examination and interviewed, out of which 4 were selected from Each school. Hence this project was started with 40 girls, as its first of its kind of project in the country, or maybe in our region. The aim of the GCC project was intended to address girls to girls so that girls mentors from University will assist girl students from high school to promote STEM.

Technology Assisted Inclusive Education


Global Recognition of importance of Inclusive Education for people with Disabilities: Education in general and Inclusive education in particular has long been declared as one of the basic human right declarations. The UN Convention Article 24 the Rights of Persons with Disabilities( UNCRPD, 2006), and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (UN, 2015) Goal 4 call for countries to ‘ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all’ with emphasizes inclusive education for people with disabilities. UNESCO (1994; cited in Tefera 2005) underscores that ’Inclusive education as ethically acceptable, psycho-socially sound, pedagogically commendable and cost effective. In line with this, the Ethiopian government and its Ministry of Education have also incorporated in the constitution and the educational strategic plan the rights of people with disabilities to have special and inclusive education.

Challenges: Despite the fact that there are positive initiatives towards inclusive education, at global and national levels, access to education for people with disabilities is still lagging behind. One of the impediments to inclusive education are critical shortage of equitable access to education in general and quality learning materials in particular. These problems are more severe in schools in rural areas. Moreover, those who suffer at most are female students with disabilities, due to prevailing cultural stigmatization and economic burdens. In a nut shell, today Ethiopia education at all levels suffers from quality resources.

The Scene in Ethiopian Rural High Schools: Reports show that the number of the dropout rate of visually impaired high school students (i.e. from grade 9 to 12) in rural areas of Ethiopia, particularly female students is alarming. One of the most serve factors that contribute to dropout is access to quality and equitable educational materials, such as textbooks, references and reading materials which to suit individual needs. It is also hardly possible to find quality learning and reading materials for visually impaired students, such as Brail and audio books in school libraries or bookshops.

Non-inclusiveness access to Educational Materials: As a result, visually impaired students depend merely on colleagues or paid readers. This is not only mostly unaffordable, but also exposes female visually impaired students to Sexual Harassment. In short, visually impaired female secondary students are facing multiple problems and various life challenges, due to the complex socio-economic factors, which results in higher rate of dropout. The overall vicious problems lie on the non-inclusiveness of the education system, i.e. one form of exclusion of citizens from equal access to education.

Proposed Solutions: To tackle this sever problem Bridge Resource Delivery Gap in Education (BRDGE), a registered charitable association has started digitization of textbooks and additional reading materials and reference books for Ethiopian high schools. BRDGE provided a ‘one stop shopping’ integrated educational resources system, interactive, individualized self-paced reflective learning environment, flexibly accessible (offline-on campus, online) content and learning management system, school curriculum and digital educational resources integrated into tablets and mobile devices. Hence, the digital audio resources BRDGE developed, can assist female visually impaired high school students in rural areas, and at large, schools to boast quality educational resources and diversify access to education.

We have successfully piloted and implemented our Speed School initiative in two schools in Semen Gonder, specifically Dabat and Debark high schools. These schools were selected because they have a higher number of visually impaired female students. The pilot test, conducted with funding from the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), yielded remarkable results for the students and the school communities. While initially implemented for female students in grades 9 and 10, this solution can be adapted for use by all students, regardless of gender, in schools nationwide.

Green Digital Library

Introducing the Green Digital Library: A Hub of Knowledge, Research, and Entertainment

We are pleased to announce our recent collaboration with the Kombolcha city administration to establish a cutting-edge Green Digital Library. This innovative project aims to benefit the local community, particularly in the northern region of the country, by providing a center for knowledge sharing, access to digital educational resources, local knowledge transfer, research and development, as well as entertainment for the youth.

What sets this project apart is its strong commitment to environmental sustainability. Our goal is to construct the library in a manner that does not harm the ecosystem or disrupt the natural surroundings. We believe in fostering a harmonious coexistence between the community and the environment, while still reaping the benefits of a modern digital library.

To achieve our objectives, collaboration will be essential. We are actively seeking partnerships with universities, philanthropists, regional bureaus, government organizations, and private entities to secure the necessary funding. We are proud to have already signed an agreement with the city administration bureau, which has generously allocated a 20,000 square meter area for this purpose.

In addition to its role as a center for knowledge and research, the Green Digital Library will also function as an assessment and examination venue for various empowerment activities. It will play a crucial role in supporting education delivered through self-paced, technology-assisted methods. This versatile facility will cater to the diverse educational needs of the community, fostering an environment of growth and development.

Our vision for the Green Digital Library is to serve as a catalyst for positive change in the region. By providing access to digital educational resources, facilitating research endeavors, and promoting knowledge expansion, we aim to empower the community and contribute to their overall socio-economic progress.

This project represents a significant stride towards ensuring equal access to education and promoting lifelong learning. It exemplifies our commitment to bridging the digital divide and creating opportunities for all. Through innovative approaches and sustainable practices, we firmly believe that the Green Digital Library will become a symbol of learning and inspiration for generations to come.

We extend an invitation to individuals, organizations, and institutions to join us in this exciting venture. Together, we can contribute to the growth and advancement of our community while setting an example for responsible, environmentally-conscious development. Let us unite in our pursuit of knowledge, sustainability, and progress at the Green Digital Library.

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Nifas Silk Lafto Sub City,
W-12 NL_12_4835 Av.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Phones: +251 903 21 99 99
            +251 911 62 26 90 47

Pilot Sites
- Chacha preparatory and high secondary school (Amhara Region)
- Burayou preparatory and high secondary School (Oromia Region)

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